
米修 ~ 米修 ~ 大家好!這裡就是傳說中「好山、好水、好風光」的花田村!住著一群單純、熱情、善良又快樂的村民,歡迎您也搬進來與我們同住,一起敞開胸懷,追求這世界上最簡單、平凡的幸福。因為這個世界真的還沒有太爛,值得我們一起努力。來到花田村哪 ~心情就會爽啊 ~ (「愛...在 花田村」部落格於2010年2月8日創立,希望本著「好東西跟好朋友分享」的理念,無私的和花田村民分享各種資訊)

2010年3月12日 星期五

EP By Christa Black

歡迎進來聆聽Walk On Water

謝謝匿名提供的Christa Black EP 網址,裡面除了「Walk On Water」,還有另三首歌曲,包括:「I'm Still Here」、「California Sunshine」及「The View」都非常好聽。
同時將「Walk On Water」歌詞,張貼於後。

Walk On Water
Guitar case always open
song after song that no one's heard
pages of journals written
with all my unlived dreams
and I'm holding a ticket
while I'm sitting in this waiting room
so afraid to try
why am I so afraid to take the ride
through the unpredictable
stepping out where there's no floor
fingernails bit down to the quick
I can't go on like this

I want to walk on water through the deepest sea
I want to walk into your mystery
and I will walk through fire just to live my life for something greater
my greatest failure is not to try

I've held my heart too close to be stolen
time after time I've turned away
so scared that if I open up you might just walk away
and I'm sitting alone here
in this fortress that I've made my home
so afraid to love
but even more afraid to be loved
though it seems impossible
stepping out where there's no floor
there's a world that I have missed...
I've got to take the risk

I've got to try
I've got to try
before I die...
life's too short to be hiding
love's a risk
a risk worth fighting for
I want to know how far my heart can go
I'll never know until I try

I've got to try
I've got to try
I've got to try

